
Madison is ONE!!!!!

It is so hard to believe how fast this year has flown by. We had Madison's one year pictures done over the weekend along with her party. She is getting so big! Just wanted to share a few of her new photos.


Long overdue update

It has been almost 3 months since I posted last. Not very good at keeping this up to date. Sorry! Madison will be a year old on 8 days. I can't believe it. She is crawling all over the place and walking holding on to things. She would rather ride a hip to get to where she wants to go. She is as sweet as ever!!! I can't get enough of her. We had a great first Christmas as a family and a wonderful New Year together. We went up to Blowing Rock, NC on New Years Day so here are a few pictures from the trip. I will try to be better about posting but don't hold me to it.